Friday, October 13, 2017

We've Moved!

Hello Everyone,
  I am super excited to announce that we have moved to our new website.  You will be able to access all course materials including:

  • Project Sheets
  • Written and Photo Tutorials
  • Video Demonstrations 
  • Art Current Events
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Art Sanctuary Homepage

Drawing X Painting Gallery & Blog


-M. Barron

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Repost From the Tyler School of Art Website

I this online at Tyler School of Art's website.  Chloe was a prior student at CAPA in Philadelphia.  She was awarded this award her freshman year at Tyler School of Art. It's always great to see young artists doing what they love! Are you thinking about going to Art School? Let's talk! 

Student Foundation Award: Chloe Pinero

AUTHOR: Yen Dinh
Chloe and her work
The Foundation Program has awarded three students one of the three Dean’s Foundation Awards. Students are selected by a faculty jury and representatives from the Dean’s office based on their work. The award is given to students who created excellent work in one of the three areas of the foundation curriculum. 
Below is the statement of Chloe Pinero, one of the students who was selected for the award: 
The creation of this piece was focused mainly on exploring the figure in large scale as well as creating a sense of drama through use of light. As a self-portrait I have depicted myself in my room, where I spend a good portion of my time. I chose to place myself in front of an open fridge, where a lot of women and girls feel most insecure as a result of social pressures to eat less than men, or not eat at all. The connected gaze with the viewer, the choice of clothing, and the act of drinking milk from the bottle, are efforts to take back power within these societal constructions.
Photo credits to Sam Fritch