Friday, June 14, 2013

Farewell Transmission

 The end of the school year always makes me a bit sentimental, maybe it's the cleaning of the studio or going through the old projects from earlier in the year.  Whatever it may be it's here again; and this year it's even more noticeable because I will be moving on to another chapter in my own life as well.

  This year we covered the general foundations of painting and drawing.  We learned technique, theory and a dash of art history.  In addition to these basics we attempted to address several other goals that I would like to remind you of here in hopes that these ideas will be carried with you over the course of the next few years and hopefully your life.

-Acknowledge and surpass your fears. Learn to hear and see fear as it whispers to you in your most rational voice and it will fall away like the skin off of a snake.

-Play. Please remember that the your true calling as an artist is to play. Playing means letting go of expectation and paying attention to what you are actually seeing in your work so you can respond to it accordingly.

-Good things take time.
  Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."

-You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.  No goal is too large or out of reach as long as you take it one step at a time.

  Wherever you go or whatever you choose to do, I wish you all the best of luck.  Thank you for all that  you have taught me and for the wonderful, wild, and hilarious memories.  It has been an honor and a privilege to teach such gifted young people as yourselves.  So it's with a heart full of gratitude a touch of sadness that I say to you...  See you later. <3 McQuilling